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Box office sales
Maria Pia avatar
Written by Maria Pia
Updated over 4 months ago

It can be the case that you operate with local partners as they can help you sell more tickets. We have developed the box office so they too can sell tickets, print them and collect the money in any form. All your information is still stored uniformly in one platform.

In just a few clicks you can set up your box office sales.

  1. Click on the action button on the top right corner and chose the option box office

  2. Chose to what event you are selling, what type of ticket, add-ons if that is the case and what channel it is and the number of tickets being sold

  3. If required fill in all the information about the client and click print and or send it. You can print these in a regular or a thermo printer. This is how your print will look like

  4. You will also receive the following success message

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